I just finished exercising my right to suffrage. Feel so good to have a successful process in the precinct where I am listed. My ballot was the 151st to be counted in the PCOS. It took me at least 20 minutes waiting in line outside the precinct room. My husband and I arrived at the precinct at around 9AM this morning. When we arrived, there were at least more than thirty people ahead of us waiting in line. Since there were at least five precincts clustered into one room, it really took a lot of waiting time thus you really need to put in mind that patience is a virtue. There was a piece of paper that was provided to us where we put our full name, date of birth, precinct number and sequence number (it is the sequence number opposite our name listed on the voter’s list displayed outside the precinct room). I think this was implemented by the BEI assigned in our precinct as they already anticipated a long line of voters and this step will make the validation process faster both for the BEI and the voter as it will become easier for the BEI to check one’s identity by the details that we provided. I think it was effective although it was not included in the COMELEC’s advertisement. I just heard in the news that the voting time has been extended until seven o’clock in the evening (7PM) as there were many voters in other precincts who have been waiting for more than three hours already, even presidential candidate Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino was not spared from this since the PCOS machine assigned at their precinct was not working (took him almost 4 1/2 hours of waiting time, according to news report). Anyways, I hope that this first automated election will still turn out generally peaceful and successful. To those who have not voted yet or who have already been there at the precinct but lost the patience while waiting for their turn, I hope you will still give it a try. Just think that you are doing it for the next generation and for the future of the Philippines.

Yeah Go Out and Vote"! one voice really meaningfull.. It's Mahal" mean love in Tagalog,, and I believe this is your passion between being a programmer n blogging:top: